Heart Disease and Oral Hygiene in the United States
- America has twice the chronic disease than Europe.
- America has four times the chronic disease than Japan, China, and India. (Michael Rozen, Chief Wellness Officer, Cleveland Clinic)
- The chief cause of arterial disease is inflammation, including infections of the mouth.
- Heart attacks are the #1 killer in the U.S.
- Strokes are the #1 cause of disability in the U.S.
- Up to 50% or more of heart attacks are triggered by oral infections.
- Chronic diseases such as heart disease, kidney disease, type II diabetes, strokes, rheumatoid arthritis, and pancreatic cancer are directly related to a condition called inflammatory burden brought about by an “inflammatory cascade” of factors caused by diet, sedentary lifestyle, and chronic infections such as periodontal disease… all of which we are able to positively impact, if not prevent completely.
- Current cost of chronic cardiovascular disease in the U. S. is 518 billion dollars (yep… Billion with a “B”).
- 75% of our medical costs in the U.S. are caused by inflammatory disease. (Bradley Bale, MD, Bale-Doneen Method)
- Bacteria in the bloodstream (from any infection in the body) crosses the placenta in pregnant women and can cause premature or still birth. (Yiping Han, Professor of Pediatrics, Case Western Reserve University)
- At least 50% of Americans have some level of periodontal disease which means that 50% of Americans who go into surgery, enter the hospital with a chronic and active infection and weakened immune system making them predisposed to surgical complications and hospital infections. (David Verity, Oral Systemic Healthcare Consultant)
- 9 out of 10 dental patients report they do not have a primary care physician on their medical history form. (Gary Kadi, Complete Health Advocate)